In Brief: Bancassurance BCA Provisa Max (Part 1)

An infographic about an insurance product from a collaboration between Indonesia’s leading banks. The graphic highlights product details ranging from the monthly amount to a year, where the banks invest your money, and the benefits your family gets.

A Practical Guide to Energy Saving Lifestyle

Electricity prices will continue to rise! Check out this lifestyle guide to save electricity, so you don’t run out of monthly expenses.

Web Header: Tips for Planning a Wedding Party in Bali

Many couples want to get married in Bali, Indonesia. Bali’s natural beauty, which is full of a romantic atmosphere, is one of the reasons for unforgettable wedding moments. However, a twosome must know more tricks to achieve a dream wedding. This header promotes an insightful article about launching a wedding party in Bali without breaking the bank.


Web Header: Tips on Saving for Your Child’s Education

A child’s education is a significant priority for every household. Student loans are not readily available, and scholarships are difficult to secure. Parents need to think about how to provide for their children’s university education in the future. The visual selection is a baby boy sitting beside his necessity from kindergarten to college (sacks of money, toys, and school supplies).


Web Header: How to Free Myself from Debt

The header promotes an article with excellent hints about tackling the debt habit. The visual selection is a happy woman who breaks away from debt entrapment, such as excessive shopping behavior or credit without collateral (Kredit Tanpa Agunan/KTA).


Web Header: Are Your Savings on Track?

This article will guide you in setting long-term financial targets and reaching your goals without restraining your happiness. The visual selection is a woman setting three targets. She deposits some of her income, buys stocks, and purchases a house.


Web Header: Some Advice from Mom That I Won’t Ignore

The header explains every closest person to every one of us. The frames on the wall represent the mother’s best suggestions to her daughters. The tips include checking your appearance in front of the mirror before leaving the house, making saving a habit, not stopping working even after marriage, taking time to relax on weekends, and many tips about love life.


Web Header: What to Expect from a Financial Planner

How to visualize a tricky job of a financial planner? This is a humorous visual selection that shows the symbols of economic assets such as currencies, gold, car, house, calculator, money, and charts to represent the complete image of a financial planner. He has to provide his clients comprehensive financial planning, investment, tax, insurance, and other related services.


Web Header: Why You Need to Know Your Net Worth

This article is discussing on how to calculate your net worth. If you can set financial road map and achieve significant goals, you are likely will able to buy a house, opening a business, vacation to Europe, and other things.
I am using visual of a chic woman relaxes in a pool filled with tons of money. She is living in a gorgeous house at the private neighborhood to portray her net worth.
